One-on-one Songwriting Coaching

Writing a great song is not an easy thing to do, if it was we would all be doing it.

There are many times in a songwriters life when inspiration runs dry. You might have that killer Chorus and no idea where to go for Verse, How about that elusive middle 8?

That's where the Dublin Studio Hub comes in , we live and breathe songs, we understand arrangements and we know where to find those little melodic gems that are often overlooked by the songwriter.

Our One-On-One coaching service hooks you up with a Dublin Studio Hub producer via a live video feed and allows you to collaborate on songs from the comfort of your living room. Get expert advice on your songs, explore new melodies and examine your lyrics. Its all part of a craft we understand and look forward to sharing with you.

What happens to the Copyright of my song if I collaborate with Dublin Studio Hub?

If it's advice and coaching on the structure and arrangement and general feel of the song this falls under our work for hire agreement and therefore all the royalty of the song is forever all yours. If we write extra parts for you, backing vocal parts, additional instrumental ideas, or other details of the arrangement, again that all falls under our work-for-hire agreement and the song is still 100% yours forever.

We love to develop relationships with our Artists here at the hub and if you specifically invite us to write a song with you, or part of a song then we would normally formally agree a percentage split of the royalty and e-mail each other a simple agreement.  It's rare, but some of our artists like to work with us that way as co-songwriters. This will always be confirmed in writing with you beforehand.


What online collaboration tools do I use?

We can collaborate on Skype or MSN Chat, we also use regular email and the online collaboration tool KOMPOZ. If you happen to be in Ireland you can also drop by for a cup of tea and a song coaching session.


Our Coaching Rates

We charge €100.00 per 1 hour online song coaching session, Contact us and send us a rough mp3 to get started. We will get in touch to schedule a live session. 

We are Dublin Studio Hub